Thursday, August 28, 2008


Originally uploaded by Kyle Ford
4 of my photos from the Tears, Fears, and Beers Enduro race were published in Decline Magazine. I'm pretty stoked about it!!!!

Wednesday, August 13, 2008

Lund Pioneer Days

Originally uploaded by Kyle Ford
On July 24th is the Lund Pioneer Days celebration, which includes a roping, rodeo, parade... the works.. I always attend and take some fireworks photos which are to follow, but after words we went for a drive and it started storming pretty good. I was getting pretty ancy in my seat when Katie suggested that we pull over and watch the lightening show. I agreed and found a tripod for a spotting scope and used that because I forgot the camera attachment for mine at home. I was very fortunate to get the shots I did, we stopped at the tail end of the storm, but I was like a kid in a candy store...



Pioneer Days 08'
I like this one because I can see the park lit up.

Pioneer Days 08'

Hidden Treasure

Originally uploaded by Kyle Ford
I felt like a young kid again a while back, when I found a light up spoon in my cereal. I was so excited haha. It works perfect for light painting. I really want to get out and try it a few more times before I move back to Cedar.

It was really hard to get the spacing of the letters right, as you can't see where you were previously, I think it only took me like 5 or 6 attempts to get this though. I also made one for my friend Kellen.


Originally uploaded by Kyle Ford
This was a photo that I took on my hike quite a while ago to North Schell Peak. I actually photo shopped myself into a few of the photos from that day because I had to take the pics first haha. This was quite a pain to line up due to the lack of a tripod. I like how it turned out though. Very fun day.